The need for educational assistance is critical in Africa, which is the world’s youngest continent and is experiencing unprecedented growth, but faces the lowest secondary and university education enrollment rates. This group of young people is filled with academic talent and leadership potential; yet, face barriers to accessing quality education. ASF believes that the young people of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. Also, all the great innovations in the world were achieved by individuals inspired by a vision as well as determination to overcome obstacles. These are the types of students that the scholarship seeks to assist.
The AS Foundation is a non-political and non-sectarian organization. Our partners will include non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, other charities, local as well as foreign companies, government ministries and individuals.
We are dedicated to offering as many of the wonderful children of Ghana as possible a chance to advance themselves into centers of higher learning in the belief that they will one day be able to help others much like themselves .
We strive to put as much hard work and energy as is humanly possible to achieve our goals of offering opportunity and advancement to needy individuals. We believe some of the best gifts in our lifetime are those that we can bestow upon others.